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embedded systems

Cover of book Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais

Book Review: “Team Topologies” by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais

With Team Topologies, Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais have written a brilliant book how to create a high-performance software development organisation with the best team structure and interaction. Organisations are complex adaptive systems that change as the result of the interactions between their components (e.g., the teams) and the interactions with other systems (e.g., the rest of the organisation, competitors, suppliers, technology and market trends). The resulting changes are hard to predict and hard to control.

Read More »Book Review: “Team Topologies” by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais

My Talk “Hexagonal Architecture: The Standard for Qt Embedded Applications” at Meeting Embedded 2021

I gave a talk at Meeting Embedded 2021 on 4 November 2021. First, I introduced the hexagonal architecture (a.k.a. ports-and-adapters architecture) in general. Then, I showed a walking skeleton of the architecture for a harvester terminal.

Read More »My Talk “Hexagonal Architecture: The Standard for Qt Embedded Applications” at Meeting Embedded 2021
Ports-and-adapters architecture for harvester terminal with GUI, Cloud, Machine and Customer adapter.

My Talk “A Successful Architecture for Qt Embedded Systems” at Qt Day Italy 2021

Creating an architecture means answering many questions about the ecosystem, in which the Qt embedded system operates. While the questions are very similar for all Qt embedded systems, the answers and their priorities differ. So, you should be able to transfer the questions and answers from my running example, a harvester terminal, to your system.

Read More »My Talk “A Successful Architecture for Qt Embedded Systems” at Qt Day Italy 2021
Window manager showing split view of home (left) and of turbine cam (right).

Architecture of Qt Embedded Systems: Single vs. Multiple GUI Applications

Our quest for a successful architecture of a harvester terminal continues. In this episode, we discuss when a system with a single application is good enough and when a system with multiple applications and a window manager is the better choice. Sometimes, a single-application system with a window manager is just the right choice.

Read More »Architecture of Qt Embedded Systems: Single vs. Multiple GUI Applications