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Burkhard Stubert

EU CRA: Essential Requirements Related to Product Properties

Every manufacturer must implement the essential requirements in Annex 1 Part 1 of the EU CRA in their products. They must also document how they comply with the essential requirements in a conformity assessment. The wording of the essential requirements is very generic and hard to understand. Germany’s Federal Office of Information Security (BSI) published a Technical Guideline (PDF) that translates the legalese of the EU CRA into concrete and actionable requirements. I will add lots of examples from my work with embedded Linux devices to illustrate the requirements.

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Embedded Devices Covered by EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)

Which devices are covered by the EU Cyber Resilience Act (EU CRA)?

  • An X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyser connected with the Internet over WiFi.
  • A metal-sheet bending machine with an Ethernet port, which will only be used in the future.
  • The harvester ECUs connected over CAN bus.
  • A camera trap without any connectivity, where updates and photos are exchanged via SD card.
  • A full-body 3D X-ray scanner used by doctors.
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A Yocto Recipe for Qt Applications Built with CMake

How hard can it be to write a Yocto recipe for building a Qt application with CMake? Actually, it turns out to be pretty hard. I have seen my fair share of slow-and-dirty workarounds (nothing is ever quick with Yocto, not even the diry workarounds) how to force the Qt application into the Linux image and onto the device. Over the years, I turned my own slow-and-dirty workarounds into a hopefully quick-and-clean solution. Here it comes.

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Ports-and-Adapters Architecture: The Pattern

The ports-and-adapters architecture should be the standard architecture for HMI applications. Its parts are loosely coupled, cohesive, easy to test and easy to extend. We can apply the reverse Conway manoeuvre to create self-dependent teams with minimal dependencies on other teams. I’ll motivate the ports-and-adapters or hexagonal architecture with USB ports and adapters and look at the architecture pattern from the production, testing and team perspective. I’ll apply the architecture to the HMI terminal of a harvester.

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Accessing Private Git Repositories from Docker Containers

We keep the source code of our applications and libraries in private repositories. Quite a few SoM and terminal makers do the same with their Yocto layers and their additional software. We typically use a Docker container to build the whole embedded Linux system with Yocto. Hence, we must be able to clone and update private repositories from the container.

Read More »Accessing Private Git Repositories from Docker Containers