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My Talk “Qt vs. Web – Total Cost of Ownership” at Qt World Summit 2017

I am delighted that roughly 70 people attended my talk “Qt vs. Web – Total Cost of Ownership. Thanks a lot for coming and for the great questions!

You can find the video of my talk here.

Here are the slides from my presentation.

In my talk, I explained why a Web solution for the HMI of an embedded system is significantly more expensive than a Qt solution. The short answer is: The Web solution requires a more powerful and more expensive system-on-chip (SoC) than the Qt solution. The SoC for Qt is 11 euros cheaper at a volume of one million units than the SoC for Web. The cost difference for the SoCs is a multiple of the cost of Qt Commercial. This makes your decision easy whether to use Qt or Web in your next project. Of course, it’s Qt.

Stay tuned for the whitepaper coming out soon on!

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