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Build, deploy and run Qt application on embedded device by pressing the Run button in QtCreator.

Cross-Compiling Qt Embedded Applications with QtCreator and CMake

We change the code of our Qt application in QtCreator and press the Run button to try the changes on an embedded device. QtCreator cross-compiles the application, deploys it to the device and runs it on the device. QtCreator performs these steps in a breeze, because we spent quite some time to define a QtCreator Kit. The fairly unknown script from the Yocto layer meta-boot2qt automates most of the kit definition.

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Webinar: Building Embedded Applications from QtCreator with Docker

In a webinar organised by The Qt Company on 8 July 2020, I showed how QtCreator builds an embedded application against a Qt SDK encapsulated in a Docker container. QtCreator doesn’t know which Yocto version was used for building the Qt SDK and which environment variables must be set for the SDK. QtCreator forwards the CMake calls for configuring, building and staging the application to the container, which executes these calls in the right environment.

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Docker Builds from QtCreator

On your development PC, you simply hit Ctrl+R (Run) in QtCreator to build and run your Qt application. When you want to run the application on an embedded system, you must perform four tasks:

  • You cross-build the Qt application for the target embedded system in a Docker container.
  • You stop the application on the target system.
  • You copy the application from the development PC to the target system with scp.
  • You start the application on the target system.

Wouldn’t you love to hit Ctrl+R in QtCreator and to have QtCreator perform the above four steps for you? Of course, you would! I’ll show you how in this post. Running an application on an embedded system will be the same as running the application on a PC.

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Deploying Qt Projects to Embedded Devices with CMake

When you run a Qt project, QtCreator first deploys the project to a remote embedded Linux device via ssh and then runs the executable on the remote device. This feature enables nearly instant feedback how your Qt application works on the embedded device.

Deployment works fine with the INSTALLS variable of qmake. It does not work out of the box with the install functions of CMake. Fortunately, the Qt trolls provide a workaround. I’ll explain the workaround with an example CMakeLists.txt file.

Read More »Deploying Qt Projects to Embedded Devices with CMake