Writing Apps for GM Cars
Just three years ago, this would have been unthinkable. GM publishes an SDK (NGI SDK) to write apps for the infotainment systems of its cars… Read More »Writing Apps for GM Cars
Just three years ago, this would have been unthinkable. GM publishes an SDK (NGI SDK) to write apps for the infotainment systems of its cars… Read More »Writing Apps for GM Cars
For Nathan Tennies from Barr Group, the answer seems to be a resounding “yes”: It’s frankly hard to see how automakers using AGL—or other infotainment… Read More »Will Android Take Over In-Vehicle Infotainment?
Ten years after the iPhone and several years after its competitors like John Deere and AGCO, CLAAS announces that its CEBIS terminals will sport a… Read More »CLAAS Announces Touch Displays for Agricultural Machines
Mark Hatch, the COO of the Qt consultancy ICS, gives four strong arguments, why projects should pay for Qt Commercial instead of using Qt under… Read More »ICS on QtCommercial: “Fee is Better Than Free”
We have succeeded in building embedded Linux with Yocto for a quad-core NXP i.MX6 (ARM Cortex-A9). Next, we want to cross-compile our own Qt application. As we use CMake for building our Qt application, we must create a CMake toolchain file. I am going to give a line-line by line explanation of the CMake toolchain file. I used Yocto Morty and CMake v3.5.1 (as it comes with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).
Read More »CMake Cross-Compilation Based on Yocto SDK
Update: Since Qt 5.12, the QtQuick compiler has been available under LGPLv3. Even if you don’t have a commercial Qt license, you will be able to enjoy a significantly faster startup of embedded QML applications.
It is not easy to find hard data about how much the QtQuick compiler can speed up the startup of real-life application. As I had some time on my hands this weekend, I measured the startup times of the HMI of a maize harvester running on a quad-core NXP/Freescale i.MX6 (Nit6Q_W_BCOM). Using the QtQuick compiler from Qt 5.7 brings the startup time from 2.72s down to 1.91s – a speedup of 30%!
Read More »30% Faster Startup Thanks to QtQuick Compiler