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One Command To Install All Ubuntu Packages for Qt 5 Build

You have just installed a fresh Linux system. The next step is to build Qt from sources. You install the required Linux packages, configure and build Qt. After an hour or so, your build fails because a package is missing. You must start over again … and again … Wouldn’t it be nice to have a single command that installs all the required Ubuntu packages and save all these needless iterations?
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Why Use Qt for Embedded Systems

When my customers develop embedded systems, they face similar challenges:

  • Challenge 1: iPhone-Like HMI
  • Challenge 2: Internet-Connected
  • Challenge 3: Running Everywhere
  • Challenge 4: Fast Time-To-Market

Using examples from different industries, I’ll first elaborate on the challenges and then on how Qt can help us to solve these challenges. These challenges are typical for nearly every industry nowadays: automotive, agricultural, medical, manufacturing, home-appliance, home-automation – to name just a few.
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HMI Trends from Agritechnica 2013

At this year’s Agritechnica, I had a close look at the HMIs of the tractors and self-propelled harvesters of CLAAS, AGCO (Fendt and Massey Ferguson), John Deere, New Holland and some others. My focus was on the UI software running on driver and auxiliary terminals. I think that these HMIs have a lot of catching up to do with respect to in-vehicle-infotainment systems and even more with modern smartphones. Here is my detailed report. Read More »HMI Trends from Agritechnica 2013

My Talk “Practical QML” at Qt Developer Days 2013

My talk “Practical QML” at Qt Developers Days in Berlin and San Francisco was pretty popular: about 70 attendees at each location. Thank you very much for your interest and your great questions! The main topic was key navigation with QML. Side topics were changing languages and themes dynamically. Here are my slides and the sample code.
Read More »My Talk “Practical QML” at Qt Developer Days 2013