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New in Qt 5.10: Dynamic Language Change in QML

My favourite new feature in Qt 5.10 is the inconspicuous function QmlEngine::retranslate(). Finally, seven years after QML’s birth, there is a Qt way to change the language of your application at runtime. There is no need for workarounds any more (see How to do dynamic translation in QML for the standard workaround).

I wrote a simple application demonstrating the new feature. If we click the British (German) flag on the right-hand side, the language of the labels on the left-hand side is changed accordingly.

How does the dynamic language change work?
Read More »New in Qt 5.10: Dynamic Language Change in QML

Pretty-Printing Output for QCOMPARE

We have created a custom class, say Person, and use it in a unit test.

void TestPerson::testEquality()
    Person p1("Alice", 42);
    Person p2("Bob", 37);
    QCOMPARE(p1, p2);

The unit test fails with this message.

FAIL!  : TestPerson::testEquality() Compared values are not the same
   Loc: [../QComparePrint/TestPerson.cpp(8)]

This message does not tell us how the two Person objects differ. We would like to see this message as we would see it for any type known to QCOMPARE.

FAIL!  : TestPerson::testEquality() Compared values are not the same
   Actual   (p1): "Person(Alice, 42)"
   Expected (p2): "Person(Bob, 37)"
   Loc: [../QComparePrint/TestPerson.cpp(16)]

How do we achieve such a pretty-printed output for QCOMPARE?
Read More »Pretty-Printing Output for QCOMPARE

Passing Enum Properties between C++ and QML

We have defined a Qt property warningLevel in the C++ class MainModel:

    Q_PROPERTY(WarningLevel::Enum warningLevel READ warningLevel
               WRITE setWarningLevel NOTIFY warningLevelChanged)

We want to use this property in QML. For example, we want to colour a rectangle according to the warningLevel:

    import com.embeddeduse.models 1.0
    // ...

    property MainModel mainModel : MainModel {}

    Rectangle {
        color: toColor(mainModel.warningLevel)
        // ...

    function toColor(level) {
        switch (level) {
        case WarningLevel.Error:
            return "red"
        case WarningLevel.Warning:
            return "orange"
        case WarningLevel.Info:
            return "green"
        case WarningLevel.Debug:
            return "purple"
            return "magenta"

Note how we access the C++ property mainModel.warningLevel from QML to set the color of the rectangle and how we use symbolic enum constants like WarningLevel.Info in the function toColor().

It is similarly easy to use a list of the symbolic enum constants as the model of a Repeater and to assign the warning level by the user to the property mainModel.warningLevel in the onReleased handler of a MouseArea.

    Repeater {
        model: [WarningLevel.Error, WarningLevel.Warning, WarningLevel.Info,
        Rectangle {
            color: toColor(modelData)
            // ...
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onReleased: mainModel.warningLevel = modelData

I’ll show you in the rest of this post how to write your C++ code so that you can use a C++ property of enum type easily in QML.
Read More »Passing Enum Properties between C++ and QML