In the 15+ years of my career, I have led many software development projects – both with agile and waterfall processes, both with collocated and distributed teams, both with clear and vague requirements, and with many other variations. I have learnt that project management works best when following this guideline: “Use common sense. Be pragmatic. If things don’t work, adapt.” This is actually the very essence of Scrum and the mantra of Ken Schwaber in his Scrum courses.
Scrum has change built into its DNA. It allows customers to change requirements during the project. And we all know that this happens in every project and should not imply lengthy contract re-negotiations. Scrum’s rigorous prioritisation of stories ensures that the customers gets the features with the highest value first. Scrum also makes sure that the customer has working software early, which gives the customer early feedback about the software and even early ways of monetisation. In short, Scrum is the best guarantee to make your project a success.
My services include
- Leading your software development projects – as the Scrum Master – using agile management methods like Scrum and eXtreme Programming.
- Improving your development process by applying agile methods in a pragmatic way.